We have just watched a video clip of 'Mary Queen of Charity Shops' to start off our campaign of helping charity shop in our area.
I was very suprised that only 1/4 of the donations the charity shops are given can be used and the rest of the donations the charity shop has to throw out themselves which costs them money. On average one bin that the charity shop throws out costs them £45! This is out of the volenteers money!
Some of the things people donated included mouldy bras and old nappies. People have been throwing out there junk that can never be sold to charity shops rather than throwing it into their own bins because they can't be bothered.
Our campaign is to improve charity shops in our area by creating leaflets, posters, a tv advert and a radio broadcast.
Our aim is to get people of our age (13 - 20yrs) to get donating their old clothes to charity shops to get the charity shops more buissiness.
Here is a link to a good website for Mary Queen of Charity Shops:
Mary Queen of Charity Shops
Competent investigation into Mary Queen of Shops campaign and the impact on your understanding prompting reflection of the nature and purpose of campaign. Some examples of how you could plan a campaign are given.